


Learning Module ILIAS

8.1 Marine Lebensräume

Lernzeit: 20 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.2 Küstenhabitate

Lernzeit: 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.3 Wasserflächen im Binnenland

Lernzeit: 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.4 Sümpfe, Hoch- und Niedermoore

Lernzeit: 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.5 Grasland und Hochstaudenfluren

Lernzeit: 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.6 Heide, Gebüsche und Tundra

Lernzeit: 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.7 Wald und Forst und sonstiger Baumbestand

Lernzeit: 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.8 Lebensräume ohne oder mit wenig Vegetation

Lernzeit: 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.9 Kultiviertes Land

Lernzeit: 45 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.10 Klassifikationssysteme

Lernzeit: 15 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

8.11 Lernzielkontrolle

Lernzeit: 10 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.