


Learning Module ILIAS

6.1 Gefäßsporenpflanzen: Farne, Schachtelhalme & Bärlappe

Lernzeit: 2 h
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Learning Module ILIAS

6.2 Nacktsamer

Lernzeit: 1 h
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

6.3 Bedecktsamer I: Zweikeimblättrige - Basale Eudikotyledonae

Lernzeit: 45 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

6.4 Bedecktsamer I: Zweikeimblättrige - Eurosiden I

Lernzeit: 1 h 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

6.5 Bedecktsamer I: Zweikeimblättrige Eurosiden II

Lernzeit: 1 h 45 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

6.6 Bedecktsamer I: Zweikeimblättrige - Superasteriden

Lernzeit: 45 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

6.7 Bedecktsamer I: Zweikeimblättrige - Asteriden I

Lernzeit: 2 h 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

6.8 Bedecktsamer I: Zweikeimblättrige - Asteriden II

Lernzeit: 2 h 15 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

6.9 Bedecktsamer II: Einkeimblättrige mit +/- auffälligen Blütenblättern

Lernzeit: 1h 45 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

6.10 Bedecktsamer II: Grasartige Einkeimblättrige

Lernzeit: 2 h 30 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.  
Learning Module ILIAS

6.11 Abschluss Kapitel 6

Lernzeit: 10 min
To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions.